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  • At the educational training for teachers and associates in Military Engineering and Military Leadership and Management study programmes, which was organised by the “Petar Zrinski” Croatian Defense Academy on 10-13 September 2015 in Mali Lošinj, representatives of the Agency for Science and Higher Education presented procedures of external evaluation in higher education and science in the European and national contexts.



  • At the request of the Polytechnic of Applied Health Studies in Zagreb, ASHE Audit Department organised seminar and workshop at the institution on 1 September 2015. Purpose of this seminar/workshop, intended primarily for representatives of HEI’s audit committee and QA committee, was to introduce new and revised ESG and to provide practical help and advice in adapting QA procedures and documentation. Participants assessed the quality of this workshop with an average grade of 4.7/5.

Workshop programme

Presentation – Standards and guidelines
ESG 2015
Participant survey analysis

  • On 2 and 3 July 2015, representatives of ASHE Audit Dept. organised a two-day seminar/workshop for the representatives of the University of Split. The participants were introduced to European standards and guidelines for quality assurance, internal and external audit procedures, practical examples from ASHE audits so far, and were provided with some guidelines for quality improvement at HEIs. On the second day of the workshop, the participants practically applied the acquired knowledge through exercises, after which they were awarded with certificates for ASHE audit experts. Participants assessed the quality of this workshop with an average grade of 4.6/5.

Workshop programme
Presentation – internal audit
Presentation – external audit
Presentation – Standards and guidelines
Participant survey analysis


  • At the request of the University of Zagreb, ASHE representatives attended the thematic session of the University Quality Management Board, held on 1 July 2015, where they introduced the new, revised Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). During discussion that followed, the participants addressed the ways in which the University documentation and procedures could be adapted to the new ESG.

ESG (2015) – ENG
ESG (2015) – CRO
Presentation – Standards and guidelines


  • At the meeting of vice-deans for academic affairs and representatives of QA committees at University constituents, held on 25 May 2015 at the University of Zagreb, the participants were informed of new trends, changes and challenges in the area of higher education quality assurance.

Presentation – Internal and external quality assurance




• At the request of Karlovac University of Applied Sciences, and as part of preparations for the upcoming external QA audit, representatives of ASHE Audit Dept. held a seminar/workshop at the HEI on 15 December 2014. The participants were acquainted with the audit procedure and criteria, and were given suggestions for QA system improvement. Participants assessed the quality of this workshop with an average grade of 4.5/5.

Seminar/workshop programme
Presentation – ASHE audit
Participant survey analysis


  • On 25 September 2014, ASHE Audit Dept. held a workshop for the representatives of HEIs included in the 2015 Annual plan of audits. In addition to presentation of an example of QA system at HEI (VERN’) and constructive discussion on ways in which QA system and related documentation can be improved, participants were informed of the ASHE audit procedure and were provided with guidelines for internal QA audit. Participants assessed the quality of this workshop with an average grade of 4.4/5.

Presentation – QA system at VERN’
Presentation – ASHE audit
Participant survey analysis


  • At the request of Polytechnic “Lavoslav Ružička” in Vukovar, ASHE provided help to institutional preparations for the upcoming external audit by holding seminars/workshops at two separate occasions (on 28 May and 22 September 2014) for the representatives of the management and QA system. The participants were informed of audit procedure and criteria, with discussion on each individual ESG standard.

Seminar/workshop programme
Presentation – ASHE audit




  • On 16 December 2013, ASHE Audit Dept. held a seminar and workshop at the University of Split for the representatives of University management and QA units at the level of both University and its constituents (faculties and academies). The participants were informed of audit procedure and criteria, with constructive discussion on the ways in which the University documentation and procedures could be improved.


  • On 27 September 2013, ASHE Audit Dept. organised a workshop for the representatives of HEIs included in the 2014 Annual plan of audits. In addition to presentation of an example of QA system at HEI (Algebra University College for Applied Computer Engineering) and constructive discussion on ways in which QA system and related documentation can be improved, participants were informed of ASHE audit procedure and were provided with guidelines for internal QA audit. Participants assessed the quality of this workshop with an average grade of 4.6/5.

Presentation – Internal QA audit – Algebra
Presentation – ASHE audit
Participant survey analysis


  • At the request of the Polytechnic of Applied Health Studies in Zagreb, on 28 May 2013 ASHE Audit Department held a seminar/workshop for the representatives of HEI’s management and QA system, as part of institutional preparations for the upcoming external audit. The participants were informed of ASHE audit procedure and criteria, and were provided with guidelines for internal QA audit.


  • At the request of the University of Zadar, representatives of ASHE Audit Dept. held a two-day seminar/workshop on 26-27 March 2013 for the representatives of the University’s audit committee and QA committee. Using examples of University documentation and procedures, the participants discussed the ways to improve QAS mechanisms.


  • At the request of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy for expert help in developing basic QA documentation and organising internal audit at the institution, ASHE Audit Dept. held a thematic seminar for the Faculty management on 6 February 2013 in Sisak.


  • Following the request of the University of Dubrovnik, on 14 February 2013 ASHE Audit Dept. held a training on QA system for the new head of the QA Office at the University.


  • At the request of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek for expert help in developing quality assurance documentation and organising internal audit at the institution, ASHE Audit Dept. held a thematic seminar for the Faculty management and QAS stakeholders on 31 January 2013.