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The Croatian Qualifications Framework (CroQF) is an instrument for regulating the system of qualifications in the Republic of Croatia. It guarantees transparency, access to acquiring qualifications, reliable acquiring of qualifications, progression and high-quality qualifications, as well as relating the levels of qualifications in the Republic of Croatia to the levels of qualifications of the European Qualifications Framework.

The following bodies are all involved in the development and implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework in the Republic of Croatia: the National Council for the Development of Human Potential, the ministries responsible for the areas of education and science, work and regional development, the Agency for Science and Higher Education, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training, the Education and Teacher Training Agency and sectoral councils. 

Pursuant to the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act (OG 22/2013, 41/2016, 64/2018, 47/2020, 20/2021) and the Ordinance on the Croatian Qualifications Framework Register (OG 96/21), the Agency for Science and Higher Education is in charge of the following: 

  • administrative and expert support to the work of sectoral councils, 
  • adopting decisions on the addition to the Sub-register of qualification standards and the Sub-register of units of learning outcomes (at level 5, in the part related to higher education, and levels 6; SC 6; level 7.1; 7.1.SC; 7.2; 8.1; 8.2) within the CroQF Register and the maintenance of the mentioned sub-registers, 
  • monitoring the implementation and development of the national qualification frameworks of other countries, 
  • monitoring and analysing the application and development of qualification frameworks in the educational policies of other countries, 
  • establishing sectoral councils. 

The Croatian Qualifications Framework Register is a database in which occupational standards are added and within which occupational standards are linked with qualification standards through units of competences and units of learning outcomes. 

All standards contained in the Croatian Qualifications Framework Register are publicly available and used for the development of new educational programmes based on learning outcomes, i.e. units of competences for which there is a proven need on the labour market. 

Proposals of qualification standards and/or units of learning outcomes in higher education for additions to the CroQF Register are made in accordance with the Guidelines for the development of qualification standards in higher education (the version published in October 2023). 

If a programme was not developed in accordance with the Instructions ASHE will request the higher education institution to amend/modify the educational programme.  

Adding of a lifelong learning programme to the CroQF Register is evidence that the programme is aligned with the standards of units of learning outcomes in the CroQF Register, which is a prerequisite for funding through the voucher system.