Pursuant to the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Science (OG 151/22) the Agency for Science and Higher Education conducts the procedure of initial accreditation of higher education institutions.
The initial accreditation of a higher education institution is an external quality evaluation procedure which is a requirement for all new public and private higher education institutions.
The goal of the initial accreditation is to evaluate and assess the quality of a new higher education institution and a study programme proposed by a new higher education institution in accordance with the national legal criteria, Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and international trends and good practice.
The purpose of the initial accreditation is to assure quality of new higher education institutions and the study programmes proposed by new higher education institutions and to encourage their further enhancement.
Evaluation area
The initial accreditation of a higher education institution includes an analysis and the quality grade of a new higher education institution and the quality of the study programme proposed by the new higher education institution, passed by an appointed expert panel according to the defined quality standards that are grouped into four assessment areas:
- Organization and internal quality assurance;
- Study programmes (lifelong learning programmes);
- Teaching process and student support;
- Teaching capacities and infrastructure.
Outcome of the procedure
Based on the report of the expert panel which comprises an analysis and a quality grade of the new higher education institution, the Accreditation Council adopts a reasoned proposal to issue a licence to operate for the higher education institution, on the basis of which the Agency takes a decision to issue a license or to deny a license.
The right to lodge a complaint
The higher education institution may lodge a complaint with the Agency’s Complaints Committee against the Accreditation Council’s reasoned proposal within 30 days of receipt of the reasoned proposal. The Complaints Committee investigates the validity of the complaint and responds to each claim made in the complaint within a maximum of 15 days upon receiving the complaint.
Follow-up procedure
The Follow-up Committee monitors the operation of a new higher education institution. The higher education institution is required to adopt an action plan for the purpose of implementation of recommendations within three months from the issuing of a license and submit a report on the implementation of activities included in the action plan after two years.
Pursuant to the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Science (OG 151/22) and the preceding public consultation, the Accreditation Council of the Agency for Science and Higher Education adopted the documents governing the conducting of the procedure of initial accreditation of higher education institutions at its 4th session held on 6 July 2023.
- Standards for initial accreditation of HEIPDF | 932 KB
- Instructions for conducting the initial accreditation of HEIPDF | 680 KB
- Initial accreditation of HEI application formDOCX | 118 KB
- Final report form in initial accreditation of HEIDOCX | 427 KB
- Comment on the final report formDOCX | 28 KB
- Action plan and report on realizationDOCX | 25 KB