On 7 July 2022, the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education – EQAR passed a decision to renew the membership of the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE), which makes its registration valid until 31 April 2027. The successful renewal of both its EQAR and ENQA membership serves to confirm ASHE’s credibility as well as the compliance of its work with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
EQAR has found ASHE to be fully compliant with 12 standards, while it was found to be partially compliant with two standards.
In 2021, ASHE underwent an international review with the aim of renewing both its ENQA and EQAR membership. ASHE succeeded in renewing both memberships and was seen to be one of the best-rated European agencies for quality assurance in higher education.
ASHE has been a full member of these two associations since 2011 and is obliged to undergo this procedure every five years in order to demonstrate its compliance with the ESG and renew its membership in both EQAR and ENQA.