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Mission and vision are the starting point of all activities of the Agency for Science and Higher Education.


ASHE is a public, independent, internationally recognised agency that is, together with its stakeholders, dedicated to an ongoing development of quality assurance in higher education and science, aimed at a continuous quality improvement of higher education institutions and scientific organisations, and contribution to better positioning and recognition of the Croatian higher education and science within the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.

ASHE encourages the development of the Croatian higher education system in which students have access to a quality, inclusive higher education that contributes to the development of an individual creative potential, and enables the acquisition of qualifications that are internationally recognised.


ASHE is a recognised example of good practice and creativity in the field of quality assurance in higher education and science at national and international levels.

ASHE takes into account the following principles in its activities:

  • Independence – ASHE acts independently in accordance with the accepted procedures, standards and legislative framework, and independently makes professional decisions.
  • Accountability – ASHE is a public institution that acts in a socially responsible, transparent, objective and credible manner, in accordance with the legislative framework.
  • Professionalism – ASHE is a central point for providing expertise in the field of quality assurance in higher education and science, and its employees work in accordance with high professional and ethical standards.
  • Cooperation – ASHE cooperates with stakeholders at national and international levels by building partnerships and mutual trust among all the stakeholders in the system of higher education and science.
  • Adaptability – ASHE is ready to respond to rapid changes in the environment and the needs of stakeholders by helping them build resilience to crises, and encourages innovation that contributes to positive change.