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Self-evaluation report writing training course for representatives of higher education institutions that, according to the Re-accreditation Plan will undergo evaluation in 2020, was held on 23 October 2019 at the Hotel International, organised by the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE).

The event was opened by prof. dr. sc. Sonja Vila, president of ASHE’s Accreditation Council, who presented the re-accreditation procedure from the perspective of the Accreditation Council. Ivana Borošić, Head of ASHE’s Accreditation in Higher Education Department, presented the course of the procedure and the system of assessment and evaluation of quality, while mr. sc. Sandra Bezjak, ASHE’s Assistant Director, and Marina Grubišić, Head of Department of Analytics and Statistics, spoke about standards for the assessment of quality and MOZVAG information system.

Participants had the opportunity to hear some examples of good practice; prof. dr. sc. Vlatko Cvrtila related the experience of re-accreditation at the VERN Polytechnic while prof. dr. sc. Sunčica Oberman Peterka from the Faculty of Economics, University of Osijek, provided the perspective of member of the Expert Panel.

The event gathered together about 60 representatives of higher education institutions that assessed the training course as useful and encouraging for the upcoming evaluations. 
