A cycle of workshops Careering for career advisers and teachers at higher education institutions was organised by the Agency for Science and Higher Education as part of ESF’s SKAZVO project during 2018. The workshop brought together career advisers and teachers at higher education institutions responsible for activities such as graduate employment strategic planning, student support through the work of career centres and extracurricular activities, curriculum development and implementation etc.
The aim of workshops was to provide support to higher education institutions in developing professional guidance services and sustainability of career centres, as well as to strengthen the competencies of career advisers so that they could address professional challenges and demands as best as possible. ASHE’s intention is also to encourage establishing new centres and employing an adequate profile of employees who could help students in defining educational goals, developing career management skills and practical transversal skills for the labour market, which will actively contribute to the linking of higher education and labour market.
Considering that the workshops were very positively evaluated and that there is a growing interest in these kinds of trainings and in implementing carrier guidance service into an increasing number of higher education institutions, ASHE will continue to organise workshops for career advisers and teachers during 2019 and 2020. In order to broaden the reach of this activity, ASHE will enlarge the target group to counsellors in Centres for student psychological counselling and counsellors from other student support services. Internal networking and strengthening of competencies of student support services’ employees and teachers will contribute to the implementation of ESG through continuous enhancement of student experience in the context of a student-centred approach to teaching.
As part of the new cycle of Careering, a round table discussion titled Career Centres in the Higher Education System was organised by the Agency for Science and Higher Education and the University of Dubrovnik on 8 March 2019.
The workshop Presentation of available e-tools in the field of lifelong career guidance at the Croatian Board of Employment took place on 6 June 2019 at the University Computing Centre Srce. The workshop was delivered by Majda Jelenčić, Lana Lukačić and Martina Sajko Olovec from the Croatian Employment Service. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of Croatian Employment Service, its lifelong career guidance and the available e-tools like the CISOK and e-Guidance portals, as well as to participate in group work on case studies.