The 5th conference on scientific publishing in the context of open science PUBMET2018 was held in Zadar from 19 to 22 September 2018. The conference organizers are the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology of the University of Zagreb, the Department of Information Sciences of the University of Zadar and the Ruđer Bošković Institute. The topics of the conference focused on openness in the scientific environment (open science, open data, open scientific communication, open professional reviews), publishing and editorial practice, authorship and co-authorship, plagiarism and ethics issues and other relevant topics aimed at exchanging experiences and gathering a diverse community of researchers, university teachers, publishers, editors, librarians / information specialists, policy makers as well as experts from other areas of research and development.
As part of the conference, ASHE employee Marina Cvitanušić Brečić gave the presentation “Optimization of Re-accreditation of Croatian Higher Education Institutions Process using Open Resources“, presenting the development made in re-accreditation procedure through linking the portal of the Croatian scientific bibliography – CROSBI with the information system Mozvag, used by ASHE for collecting the data used in external evaluations from HEIs. The development of the IS Mozvag is financed within the EU financed project SKAZVO.