Strategic planning of communication activities, communication of institutional identity and values, identification of target groups and design of targeted messages were key topics discussed at the workshop on Communication Activities Planning at Higher Education Institutions, held on Friday, 18 May 2018, at the University of Zagreb. The event was organized by the Agency for Science and Higher Education in cooperation with the University of Zagreb and EUPRIO association – European Universities Public Relations and Information Officers.
„Standards and guidelines for quality assurance (ESG) in the European Higher Education Area clearly indicate that higher education institutions have the obligation to publish clear, accurate, objective, valid, and easily accessible information about their activities and study programmes. “Having realized the importance of this complex topic, this workshop was organized to encourage higher education institutions to recognize the importance of communication within their entire work as institution and its recognition”, said director of ASHE Prof. Jasmina Havranek, PhD, during the opening of the conference.
About fifty communications professionals from Croatian HEIs and other employees of HEIs involved in public relations and/or internal communication activities attended the lectures given by Paul Helbing, Director of Communications of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences on the topic of linking target groups with the academic profile of an institution, and in the second part of the workshop prof. dr. sc. Majda Tafra Vlahović spoke about the creation of a communications strategy.
The work of Euprio association was presented by the secretary Marcin Witkowski (Adam Mickiewicz University) and Paola Claudia Scioli (Università degli studi di Torino) who announced a conference to be held from 3 to 6 June 2018 in Seville, Spain, titled The Digital Transformation: A challenge for communication in Higher Education.
Since the representatives of higher education institutions dealing with internal and/or external communication expressed the need for networking, there is a plan to establish a platform of communications experts in higher education and organize similar workshops.
Euprio association
Euprio association brings together experts in communications, public relations and marketing in higher education institutions from all over Europe. It was established in 1986 with the support of the European Community, to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences amongst its members, both within the whole communication field and particularly from the institutions of higher education’s perspective. The association has more than 750 members in 15 European countries, while ASHE and the University of Zagreb have been involved in the activities of the association since 2016.