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The re-accreditation of higher education institutions is a mandatory procedure of external evaluation of the quality of all higher education institutions that is carried out in five-year cycles. 

The aim of the re-accreditation procedure is to assess whether the higher education institution meets the minimal requirements (academic threshold) and to evaluate the quality of the higher education institution against defined quality standards, and to recommend further improvements. 

The purpose of the re-accreditation procedure is to encourage further development of quality in the main segments of HEI’s operation and to ensure that students study at higher education institutions/study programmes that fulfil the necessary conditions.

The first re-accreditation cycle started in 2010 and finished in 2016.  From 2017, the second cycle of re-accreditation of higher education institutions is carried out following an improved model.

The scope of the evaluation

The evaluation of a higher education institution includes a quality analysis and an assessment made by an expert panel according to a four-point scale and previously defined quality standards, divided into five areas of institutional activity:

  • Internal quality assurance and the social role of the higher education institution,
  • Study programmes,
  • Teaching process and student support,
  • Teaching and institutional capacities,
  • Scientific/artistic activity.

Procedure and Documents

ASHE’s Accreditation Council adopts the Plan of re-accreditation for the following calendar year.  ASHE carries out the procedure of re-accreditation based on the following documents:

Procedure of re-accreditation of higher education institutions

Standards for the evaluation of quality of universities and university constituents in the procedure of re-accreditation of higher education institutions

Standards for the evaluation of quality of polytechnics and colleges in the procedure of re-accreditation of higher education institutions

Analytic supplement from MOZVAG database – tables and instructions

Action plan template and/or Report on the implementation of the action plan


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Outcome of the procedure

Based on the expert panel’s final report and the higher education institution’s official statement, ASHE’s accreditation Council passes an expert opinion. Based on the Accreditation Council’s opinion, ASHE issues an accreditation recommendation to the competent minister for one of the following outcomes:

  • Issuance of a confirmation on the fulfilment of conditions,
  • Issuance of a letter of expectation with a deadline for resolving deficiencies of up to three years,
  • Denial of a license.

Complaints and appeals

The opinion of the Accreditation Council is submitted to the higher education institution in the re-accreditation procedure which can submit an objection due to violations of accreditation regulations. The complaint is settled by the Complaints Committee. The Complaints Committee’s opinion is submitted for decision to the Accreditation Council.


If a confirmation on the fulfilment of conditions was issued to the higher education institution, the HEI has to adopt a five-year action plan with the aim of improving the quality in accordance with the recommendations of the expert panel and submit it to ASHE; two years after the adoption of the action plan, the HEI has to submit a report on the implementation of the action plan to ASHE.

If a letter of expectation was issued to the higher education institution, the HEI has to adopt an action plan with the aim of improving the quality in accordance with the recommendations of the expert panel and submit each year a report on the implementation of the action plan to ASHE; before the expiry of the letter of expectation, the HEI has to submit a report on the elimination of deficiencies.