The National Council for Development of Human Potential is preparing a conference entitled the “Croatian Qualifications Framework: Knowledge and Creativity”, to be held on October 22nd and 23rd, 2015 at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. The aim of this conference is to hold lectures, round-table discussions, present research papers, projects and posters, in order to promote the implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework.
The two-day conference will include presentations of the skills forecasting model and round tables that will cover the themes related to education and employment public policies. The model will be presented by Mr Vladimir Kvetan, expert from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP). Furthermore, presentations of projects and research papers authored by young scientists, related to the development and implementation of the Croatian Qualifications Framework, are planned, as well as making of posters related to the topics of their projects and research activities.
Draft Agenda of the CROQF conference
Invitation to lead partners
Instructions for registration