Transparency of European Higher education through Public Quality Assurance Reports – EQArep is a 24-month long project which started in September 2012, coordinated by European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ENQA.
The project will map the current publication practices, explore the different needs of stakeholders for transparent and comparable information, develop standards for different types of quality assurance reports in the EHEA and evaluate whether a European template for quality assurance reports is feasible.
The project will result in a recommendation to quality assurance agencies on the content and form of informative and approachable quality assurance reports. Thus the envisaged impact is a higher degree of comparability of quality assurance reports and consequently a better contribution of quality assurance to transparency of higher education at the European level.
Together with ASHE, project partners are quality assurance agencies from Estonia, Ireland and Switzerland. You can find out more about the project on the project weblog.
Certificate for the Quality of Internationalisation – CeQuInt is an 18-month long project which started in September 2012. Coordinated by European Consortium for Accreditation in higher education – ECA, the project aims to develop a methodology for evaluation of the internationalisation of higher education, developing a quality stamp for institutions which managed to develop international exchange and cooperation which benefits their students, staff and local community.
The project involves 12 European quality assurance agencies, coming from Austria, Germany, Slovenia, France, Poland, Spain and Finland, as well as organisations specialising in internationalisation of higher education – ACA and DAAD.
The use or potential use of qualifications frameworks as a tool of mobility by HEIs and other stakeholders is a project of the ASHE ENIC/NARIC Office, coordinated by the French agency CIEP.
In 24 months, from February 2012 to February 2014, the project looks at ways in which transparency tools built in the European higher education reforms, such as diploma supplements and qualification frameworks, facilitated qualification recognition, and develop methods for training and informing higher education institutions, employers and hiring agencies to further support labour mobility within Europe.
As obvious from the title, the project aims at building ENIC capacities in countries from the region, looking into their best practices, developing common recognition methods for third country qualifications, improving the system for detecting false diplomas and developing internal archival and information systems.
The project will last for 24 months, from February 2012 to February 2014.
ASHE is one of the project grantholders, while the project is lead by the United Kingdom NARIC office.