The European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO have accepted the candidacy of the Agency for Science and Higher Education to host the 20th international conference of ENIC and NARIC centers that will be held in June 2013.
Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office, which is part of Agency for Science anf Higher Education, is an information centre for academic mobility and recognition of foreign higher education qualifications. Office is a part of European Network of National Information Centres on recognition and mobility and activly participate in all international activities since 2005.
ENIC network (European Network of National Information Centres on academic recognition and mobility) was founded by the Council of Europe and UNESCO with the purpose of academic mobility and quality application of principles of the Convention on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications in Europe (so called Lisbon Convention). The network is consisted of information centres of the member states of European Cultural Convention or UNESCO Europe Region, with government bodies as their founders.
NARIC network (National Academic Recognition Information Centres) was founded on the initiative of European Commission with, as its purpose, improvement of academic recognition of qualifications in member states of European Union, European Economic Community (European Economic Area, EEA) and joint members of Central and Eastern Europe and Cyprus, as its purpose. The aim of the Network is encouragement of academic mobility.
Centers who are part of the ENIC/NARIC network are important partners on the European and global level on matters concerning the development of higher education. That is why the annual Network conference, as the gathering of representatives from over 60 countries, is always an important and interesting event which rightly draws attention of experts, as well as the wider public.
The decision to choose Croatia, or rather the Agency, as the host of the 2013 Network conference is therefore an important recognition of not only our Agency, but also the Croatian system of higher education.