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In January 2012, the European Area of Recognition Manual (EAR Manual) was published.
EAR Manual has  been  developed  as  part  of  the  European  Area  of  Recognition  Project funded by the European Commission, in which eight ENICs/NARICs from different regions of the European  Union took part. It was also a result of cooperation by the ENIC Network, the NARIC Network, the   Bologna Follow-Up   Group   and   various organisations across Europe and throughout the world.

Manual  contains standards  and  guidelines  on  all  aspects  of  the  recognition  of  foreign  qualifications and it represents a tremendous step forward to  make  recognition practices in European countries as well as information  and  decisions  about  the  recognition  of  foreign  qualifications  better understood and  more  transparent than  before.
In the first place it is meant for the credential evaluators of the ENIC/NARIC networks but it may also serve as information to students, academic staff at higher education institutions as well as other stakeholders in higher education system.

Manual also aims  to  contribute  to  a  joint  recognition  area  of  higher  education,  in  which  all  European  countries  practice  a similar methodology in the recognition of qualifications, based on commonly agreed standards and guidelines. It contributes to the global dimension of recognition and mobility since a  more  harmonised  and  transparent  recognition  practice  is  essential  for  the  quality  of  mobility  in Europe  and  plays  as  such  a  key  role  in  the  European  Higher  Education  Area.

European Area of Recognition Manual