Through CARDS 2003 project „Furtherance of the Agency for Science and Higher Education in its Quality Assurance Role and Development of a Supporting Information System”, the Agency for Science and Higher Education – in collaboration with CARDS 2003 project consultants – carried out a pilot project of quality assurance audit at three Croatian higher education institutions:
1. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Site visit was conducted on 23-24 January 2008. Committee’s Audit report was submitted to the Faculty of Civil Engineering and University of Osijek on 8 February 2008. Upon the completion of follow up, the final report was submitted to the Faculty on 26 May 2009.
2. Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin, University of Zagreb
Site visit was conducted on 12-13 February 2008, and Committee’s Audit report was submitted to the Faculty and University of Zagreb on 25 February 2008. Review of the Plan of activities for the follow up was submitted to the Faculty on 21 April 2009.
3. Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka
Site visit was conducted on 26-27 February 2008. Committee’s Audit report was submitted to the Faculty and the University of Rijeka on 25 March 2008. Upon the completion of follow up, the final report was submitted to the Faculty on 23 March 2009.
All three institutions gave consent to publishing of these reports on ASHE web-site.