Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Chemical and Environmental Technology |
No |
English |
Tihana Popović, dipl. ing. Matija Šaler |
tpopovic@fkit.hr, msaler@fkit.hr |
https://www.fkit.unizg.hr/en/curricula/graduate_study_CET |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb |
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme |
Medical Studies in English |
No |
English |
Anja Stanić |
mse@mef.hr |
https://mse.mef.unizg.hr/ |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Biomedicine and Health |
No |
English |
Jasmina Štimac |
jasmina.stimac@mef.hr |
https://mef.unizg.hr/studiji/poslijediplomski/doktorski/phd-programme-in-english |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb |
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme |
Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Veterinary Medicine in English |
No |
English |
prof. dr. sc. Juraj Grizelj |
english.studies.info@vef.hr |
https://www.vef.unizg.hr/en/studying/ |
Zagreb |
University of Rijeka, Department of Physics |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Physics |
No |
English |
Katarina Benac, mag. oecc. |
dr.studij@phy.uniri.hr |
http://www.phy.uniri.hr/en/doctoral-study-in-physics.html |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek |
Graduate university programme |
Automotive computing and communications |
No |
English |
prof. dr. sc. Kruno Miličević, izv. prof. dr.sc. Josip Job |
kruno.milicevic@ferit.hr, autocom@ferit.hr |
http://autocom.ferit.hr/programme/#courses ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LET2ex2ti4 ; https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6481835906331480064 ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHD9AxPrOD0 |
Osijek |
Faculty of Economics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
International inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS |
Yes |
English |
Ms. Katica Križanović |
kkrizanovic@ices.hr |
http://www.ices.hr/en/doctoral-program/ |
Osijek |
Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Economics and Management |
No |
English |
Renato Šimunić, struč.spec.oec. |
rsimunic@zsem.hr |
https://www.zsem.hr/en/study-programs/undergraduate/economics-and-management/ |
Zagreb |
Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Business Mathematics and Economics |
No |
English |
Renato Šimunić, struč.spec.oec. |
rsimunic@zsem.hr |
https://www.zsem.hr/en/study-programs/graduate-mba/ |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka |
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme |
Medicine |
No |
English |
Sanja Štifter, Paola Car |
sanja.stifter@medri.uniri.hr, paola.car@medri.uniri.hr |
http://medical-studies-in-english.com/ |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka |
Postgraduate specialist university study programme |
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology |
No |
English |
Mamaja Jančić, dipl.oec. |
mamaja.jancic@medri.uniri.hr |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb |
Undergraduate university programme |
Bachelor Degree in Business |
No |
English |
Kristina Malašević |
student.office@efzg.hr |
http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/study-programmes-and-enrolment/study-programmes-38329/english-taught-study-programmes/undergraduate-study-programmes/bachelor-degree-in-business-10661/10661 |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb |
Undergraduate university programme |
Bachelor Degree in Economics |
No |
English |
Kristina Malašević |
student.office@efzg.hr |
http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/study-programmes-and-enrolment/study-programmes-38329/english-taught-study-programmes/undergraduate-study-programmes/bachelor-degree-in-economics/35520 |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Master Degree in Economics |
No |
English |
Kristina Malašević |
student.office@efzg.hr |
http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/study-programmes-and-enrolment/study-programmes-38329/english-taught-study-programmes/graduate-study-programmes/master-degree-in-economics/35519 |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Economics and Business; Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Master Degree in Management |
No |
English |
Kristina Malašević |
student.office@efzg.hr |
http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/study-programmes-and-enrolment/study-programmes-38329/english-taught-study-programmes/graduate-study-programmes/master-degree-in-business/management-23598/23598 |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Economics and Business; Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Master Degree in Trade and International Business |
No |
English |
Kristina Malašević |
student.office@efzg.hr |
http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/study-programmes-and-enrolment/study-programmes-38329/english-taught-study-programmes/graduate-study-programmes/master-degree-in-business/trade-and-international-business-23599/23599 |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - University of Zagreb |
Postgraduate specialist university study programme |
Diplomacy |
Yes |
English |
prof. Katarina Matijaš Zorić |
kmzoric@unizg.hr |
http://www.unizg.hr/istrazivanje/specijalisticki-studiji/sveucilisni-interdisciplinarni-specijalisticki-studiji/diplomacija/ |
Zagreb |
University of Rijeka, Department of Mathematics |
Graduate university programme |
Discrete mathematics and its applications |
No |
English |
Vesna Kovač |
math@math.uniri.hr |
http://www.math.uniri.hr/en/dma.html |
Rijeka |
University of Dubrovnik |
Graduate university programme |
Double Degree Master Courses Economics and studies: Business Economics - Marketing and Business Economics - Tourism |
No |
English |
Sandra Memunić, Sabina Čimić |
sandra.memunic@unidu.hr, ekonomija@unidu.hr |
http://www.unidu.hr/odjeli.php?idizbornik=916 |
Dubrovnik |
University Department of Forensic Sciences, University of Split |
Graduate university programme |
Forensic Sciences |
No |
English |
izv. prof. dr. sc. Željana Bašić |
zeljana.basic@unist.hr |
Split |
Libertas International University Zagreb |
Undergraduate university programme |
International Relations (Diplomacy) |
No |
English |
prof. Milan Perić |
mperic@libertas.hr |
https://www.libertas.hr/en/study-programmes/undergraduate-university-study-programmes/international-relations-diplomacy/ |
Dubrovnik |
Libertas International University Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
International Relations and Diplomacy |
No |
English |
prof. Milan Perić |
mperic@libertas.hr |
https://www.libertas.hr/en/study-programmes/graduate-university-study-programme/international-relations-and-diplomacy/ |
Dubrovnik |
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Molecular Biosciences |
No |
English |
dipl. iur. Silva Lustig, Prof. dr. sc. Vera Cesar |
silva@biologija.unios.hr, vcesar@biologija.unios.hr, vcesarus@yahoo.com |
http://rektorat.unios.hr/molekularna/pocetna.html |
Osijek |
RIT Croatia |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Service Management |
No |
English |
Ivana Silić |
admissions@croatia.rit.edu |
https://www.croatia.rit.edu/service-management-program-overview-program-overview |
Dubrovnik |
RIT Croatia |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
International Business |
No |
English |
Ivana Silić |
admissions@croatia.rit.edu |
https://www.croatia.rit.edu/international-business-program-overview |
Zagreb |
RIT Croatia |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Information Technology |
No |
English |
Ivana Silić |
admissions@croatia.rit.edu |
https://www.croatia.rit.edu/information-technology-program-overview |
Zagreb, Dubrovnik |
Faculty of Political Science, Univeristy of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Master of European Studies |
No |
English |
Zlatan Krajina |
zkrajina@fpzg.hr |
https://www.fpzg.unizg.hr/en/study/graduate_study/master_of_european_studies |
Zagreb |
Algebra University College |
Specialist graduate professional programme |
Digital Marketing |
No |
English |
International Office |
international-office@algebra.university |
https://www.algebra.hr/visoko-uciliste/en/studij/graduate-professional-program/digital-marketing/ |
Zagreb |
Algebra University College |
Specialist graduate professional programme |
Applied Computer Engineering with specialization in: a) Software Engineering b) System Engineering c) Data Science d) Game Development |
No |
English |
International Office |
international-office@algebra.university |
https://www.algebra.hr/visoko-uciliste/en/studij/graduate-professional-program/programski-smjer/ ; https://www.algebra.hr/visoko-uciliste/en/studij/graduate-professional-program/system-engineering/ ; https://www.algebra.hr/visoko-uciliste/en/studij/graduate-professional-program/data-science/ ; https://www.algebra.hr/visoko-uciliste/en/studij/graduate-professional-program/game-development/ |
Zagreb |
Algebra University College |
Specialist graduate professional programme |
Creative Market Communications Management |
No |
English |
International Office |
international-office@algebra.university |
https://www.algebra.hr/visoko-uciliste/en/studij/graduate-professional-program/design-communications-management/ |
Zagreb |
Algebra University College |
Specialist graduate professional programme |
MBA e-Leadership |
No |
English |
International Office |
international-office@algebra.university |
https://www.algebra.hr/mba/ |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Agriculture, Univeristy of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Environment, Agriculture and Resource Management (INTER-EnAgro) |
No |
English |
prof. dr. sc. Gabrijel Ondrašek |
gondrasek@agr.hr |
http://www.agr.unizg.hr/en/category/inter-enagro/229 |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Agriculture, Univeristy of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Sustainable Agriculture, Food Production and Food Technology in Danube Region (Danube AgriFOOD Master - DAFM) |
No |
English |
prof. dr. sc. Renata Bažok |
rbazok@agr.hr, umo@agr.hr, agrifood-casee@boku.ac.at |
http://www.ica-casee.eu/index.php/casee-master |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka |
Undergraduate university programme |
International Business |
No |
English |
International Office |
international@efri.hr |
https://www.efri.uniri.hr/en/list_of_courses/448/286 |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka |
Graduate university programme |
International Business |
No |
English |
International Office |
international@efri.hr |
https://www.efri.uniri.hr/en/international_business/439/105 |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
PhD study program in Economics and Business Economics |
No |
English |
PhD Office |
doktorski@efri.hr |
https://www.efri.uniri.hr/en/phd_study_economics_and_business_economics__2018_2019__track_economics/1022/225 |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka; Faculty of Public Administration, University of Ljubljana |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Joint doctoral study programme Governance and Economics in the Public Sector |
Yes |
English |
PhD Office |
doktorski@efri.hr |
https://www.efri.uniri.hr/hr/the_joint_phd_programme_governance_and_economics_in_the_public_sector_public_governance_module/1052/ |
Rijeka |
Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Postgraduate Doctoral Study Programme in the field of Social Sciences, the subject of Law |
No |
English, German, Italian, French |
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Kunda, Vice-dean for Science; doc. dr. sc. Danijela Vrbljanac |
ridoc@pravri.hr |
https://pravri.uniri.hr/en/study-programmes/postgraduate-doctoral-study.html |
Rijeka |
Juraj Dobrila University Pula, Pula; University North, Koprivnica; University of Applied Sciences FH Burgenland |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
International Economic Relations and Management |
No |
English |
prof.dr.sc. Irena Zavrl, prof.dr.sc. Marinko Škare, Izv. prof.dr.sc. Anica Hunjet |
irena.zavrl@fh-burgenland.at, mskare@unipu.hr, ahunjet@unin.hr |
https://fet.unipu.hr/fet/en/study_programmes/doctorate_programmes/international_economic_relations_and_management |
Pula, Koprivnica |
Faculty of Medicine, University of Split |
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme |
Medical Studies in English |
No |
English |
doc. dr. sc. Joško Božić |
josko.bozic@mefst.hr |
http://mefst.unist.hr/studies/medical-studies-in-english/83 |
Split |
Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb |
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme |
Dental Medicine |
No |
English |
prof. dr. sc. Ivan Alajbeg, ms. Kristina Sahula, prof. |
alajbeg@sfzg.hr, sahula@sfzg.hr |
http://www.sfzg.unizg.hr/en/integrated_study/study_program |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Dental Medicine |
No |
English |
prof.dr.sc. Silvana Jukić Krmek |
jukic@sfzg.hr |
https://www.sfzg.unizg.hr/en/research/program |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb |
Undergraduate university programme |
Electrical Engeenering and Information Technology |
No |
English |
Tamara Vrabec, mag. oec. |
enrollment@fer.hr |
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/studies/bachelor |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb |
Undergraduate university programme |
Computing |
No |
English |
Tamara Vrabec, mag. oec. |
enrollment@fer.hr |
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/studies/bachelor |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology |
No |
English |
Tamara Vrabec, mag. oec. |
enrollment@fer.hr |
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/studies/master |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Information and Communication Technology |
No |
English |
Tamara Vrabec, mag. oec. |
enrollment@fer.hr |
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/studies/master |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb |
Graduate university programme |
Computing |
No |
English |
Tamara Vrabec, mag. oec. |
enrollment@fer.hr |
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/studies/master |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb |
Postgraduate doctoral study programme |
Electrical Engineering and Computing |
No |
English |
Đurđica Tomić Peruško, prof. |
doctoral.study@fer.hr |
https://www.fer.unizg.hr/en/studies/doctoral |
Zagreb |
Aspira College Split |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
International Hotel and Tourism Management (specialization in Hotel Management, specialization in Management of Destination Organizations (DMO) and Companies (DMC), specialization in Gastronomy) |
No |
English |
Martina Petrović |
martina.petrovic@aspira.hr |
https://www.aspira.hr/en/study-programs/ |
Zagreb / Split |
Aspira College Split |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Sports Management |
No |
English |
Martina Petrović |
martina.petrovic@aspira.hr |
https://www.aspira.hr/en/study-programs/ |
Split |
Aspira College Split |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Computer Engineering |
No |
English |
Martina Petrović |
martina.petrovic@aspira.hr |
https://www.aspira.hr/en/study-programs/ |
Split |
Aspira College Split |
Specialist graduate professional programme |
Hotel and Tourism Management (specialization in Hotel Management, specialization in Management of Destination Organizations (DMO) and Companies (DMC),specialization in Gastronomy) |
No |
English |
Martina Petrović |
martina.petrovic@aspira.hr |
https://www.aspira.hr/en/study-programs/ |
Split |
Aspira College Split |
Specialist graduate professional programme |
Sports Management |
No |
English |
Martina Petrović |
martina.petrovic@aspira.hr |
https://www.aspira.hr/en/study-programs/ |
Split |
VERN' University of Applied Science |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Entrepreneurship Economics |
No |
English |
International Office |
info@vernuni.eu |
https://www.vernuni.eu/studying/#studyingEP |
Zagreb |
VERN' University of Applied Science |
Undergraduate professional study programme |
Tourism and Hotel Management |
No |
English |
International Office |
info@vernuni.eu |
https://www.vernuni.eu/studying/#studyingTHM |
Zagreb |
Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb |
Postgraduate doctoral study program |
Textile Science and Technology |
No |
English |
Prof. Budimir Mijovic, PhD |
budimir.mijovic@ttf.hr |
http://www.ttf.unizg.hr/index.php?str=104&lang=en |
Zagreb / Split |
Faculty of Medicine, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek |
Integrated undergraduate and graduate university programme |
Medicine in German |
No |
German |
prof.dr.sc. Ljubica Glavaš-Obrovac, Sanja Čučković |
studenten.sekretariat@mefos.hr |
http://www.mefos.unios.hr/index.php/de/ |
Osijek |